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Introducing ‘Marketing Security’​ – AI Is Making Marketer’s Lives Easier, Not Harder

Eric Vardon Profile image
Eric Vardon
Introducing ‘Marketing Security’​ – AI Is Making Marketer’s Lives Easier, Not Harder Featured Image


Technology is supposed to make our lives easier. Not harder. Nonetheless, marketers still find themselves tinkering with tools and fixing bugs once they’re integrated. 

And, what’s one of the newest verticals that solve this? Marketing security—which is backed by artificial intelligence. I know what you’re thinking, too: “Isn’t AI only for developers and very sophisticated tech companies?” Not at all, in fact.

Marketing security is one of AI’s most friendly forms. It’s capable of taking the weight off your shoulders, saving time, and preventing any human errors from getting in the way of your business schedule. 

You know what I’m talking about: those small mistakes that interrupt digital work, like forgetting to set an ad budget and having to explain to your CFO what happened.

Listen to this if you’re not sold: respondents in a Deloitte study said optimized internal/external operations, better decision making, and freed employee time was within the top five benefits of implementing AI—which is at the heart of marketing security. 

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Want to see how this is possible? Let me explain.

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1. It takes care of optimizations in the background

The machine learning technology found in marketing security solutions is able to discover, suggest, and/or implement optimizations on your behalf. This is the form of artificial intelligence everybody thinks of; a “robot” that trains itself and becomes smarter over time. Neat, huh?

This means that not only can AI improve marketing performance, but it saves you the countless hours you’d invest in testing improvements. That could be anything from new content ideas extracted from competitors to the best campaigns for allocating ad budgets.

2. Forecasting is done on your behalf

Forecasting is easier said than done. Marketers need to collect reports (And build them first), conduct experiments, and the list goes on. While it allows a company to predict changes and adjust ahead of time, they have to roll up their sleeves and put in serious elbow grease. 

Thanks to the predictive analytics found within marketing security, professionals can finally take a breather. This form of AI trains models that continually forecast results based on previous and live data. You—and your clients—will be constantly in the loop and able to make better business decisions. Let it sink in that Netflix saves $1 billion every year thanks to its predictive AI engine, for example.

3. Become aware of human error faster

Errors are going to happen. It’s simply a matter of time. Nonetheless, they don’t need to cause more of an inconvenience than they already do. Artificial intelligence—and anomaly detection in particular—is capable of alerting you when things slip through your fingers.

This could be forgetting to turn on a client’s ad campaign, entering the wrong budget, or integrations breaking. How many times have these things happened to you? And, how long did it take to discover it? Having these anomalies brought to your attention will minimize the impact on campaigns, client relationships, and alike. 


Think of all the stress marketers feel on a daily basis. Often it’s caused by disorganization, human error, and regular business obstacles. It doesn’t have to be that way, though. 

Marketing security software can give you the peace of mind you’ve been dreaming of. This is achieved by performing optimizations on your behalf, alerts of real-time errors or threats, and automatic forecasts.

Want to experience all of these benefits yourself? Try Morphio For Free!

Eric Vardon Profile image

Eric Vardon

CEO, Co-Founder @ Morphio

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