Trademark Policy

To use the Hawke AI trademark and product name, you are required to follow these guidelines, and in general use it in a fair and accurate manner. If changes are made to these guidelines, you will be required to update your usage to adhere to these guidelines within a commercially reasonable timeframe. Hawke AI exclusively owns any goodwill generated by the use of Hawke AI trademarks.

Hawke AI has the sole right to restrict use of its trademark and product name at any time, regardless of adherence to brand guidelines, if in Hawke AI’s judgement the use is misleading, unfair, defamatory, infringing, libelous, disparaging, or obscene.

Brand Guidelines

  • Follow the Hawke AI Brand Guides
  • Never use Hawke AI in the plural or possessive form
  • Never use Hawke AI trademark generically in referring to the broader product category.

Specifically restricted uses

  • Removing, distorting or altering any element of Hawke AI trademarks or branding.
  • Shortening, abbreviating, or using acronyms out of Hawke AI trademarks.
  • Combining your trademark or product name, visually or in text, with any Hawke AI trademark or product name.
  • Expressly or indirectly inferring a business partnership or joint venture with your company, trademark or product.
  • Indicating Hawke AI is endorsing or promoting your trademark or product.
  • Incorporating Hawke AI trademarks or branding on a site or on material that violates any law or regulation.
  • Imitating Hawke AI trade dress, including the look and feel of Hawke AI web design properties or Hawke AI brand elements, distinctive color combinations, typography, graphic designs, product icons, or imagery associated with Hawke AI.
  • Registering Hawke AI trademarks as or incorporated in social media account names, profiles, or aliases.

Hawke AI Trademarks

Hawke AI trademarks include the following list. The absence of any Hawke AI trademark, product name, service name, or any other name from this list does not waive Hawke AI intellectual property rights.

The Hawke AI logo and name is ® Registered in the Canada and The United States with registrations pending elsewhere. The ® Registered mark shall only be used in Canada and The United States until registrations are completed elsewhere.

For general inquiries, or to report potentially prohibited use, please contact


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